Additionally we can download to the game addon called 'wkKawooskKick' Download and extract archiwe to a folder with the game. If you already have the update, skip this step Then download the files wormnat2 Install update Select the folder with the game Then extract all the files from the archive into the game folder After this operation run the game Enter the options Advanced And select the option 'Load WormKit Modules' Restart the game From now on each time you start the game will be able to appear this message This means that our WormNat2 working properly Enter Play by the network Configuration And select the options 'Force IP' Let's see if we can host Sometimes for the first time, may not work but for the second time.
Hello all players Worms Armageddon Will show you how you can host the game by using WormNat2 We will need the latest update to Games and files WormNat2 Links available in the description of movie At the beginning we need the latest game updates download it.